We Demand That Wyeth-Ayerst
Stop the Cruelty to Horses
You can help us educate women about the dose of cruelty that comes with every Premarin prescription. Many women can ease their menopausal symptoms and decrease their risk of osteoporosis by making simple lifestyle changes, such as switching to a low-fat, high-fiber vegetarian diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding substances like tobacco and caffeine. Women who do choose to take estrogen drugs should know that Premarin is not the only or even the best option.
Please educate your colleagues and patients about the cruelty involved in Premarin production and the many alternatives that are available.
- Ask the FDA to require Wyeth-Ayerst to list the source of Premarin in all the drug’s patient inserts. Write: Jane E. Henney, Commissioner, FDA, 5600 Fishers La., Rockville, MD 20857.
- Urge the National Institutes of Health to include other estrogen drugs besides Premarin in the Women’s Health Initiative studies. Write: Dr. Suzanne Hurd, Director, Women’s Health Initiative, 2 Rockledge Center, Bethesda, MD 20892-7952.
- Check the formulary where you work to make sure it lists synthetic and plant-based estrogens, and speak out if it doesn’t.
- Call your health insurance provider to ask if synthetic and plant-based estrogens are covered by your program’s prescription drug plan. If Premarin is the only estrogen drug covered, please contact PETA and write a letter of complaint to the president of the insurance company.
- Write letters to the editors of your local newspapers to educate others about Premarin and its alternatives. Readers will value and trust your opinion on this issue. Contact PETA for a list of synthetic and plant-based alternatives to Premarin at 501 Front St., Norfolk, VA 23510; 757-622-PETA; www.peta.org.