Monty Roberts: The Public Speaks

The Public Sentences Monty Roberts

Numerous sentencing proposals came in for the Monty Roberts case. These are just some of the very colorful options. New ones will be added as they come in.


I keep reading the Monty postings you people put up simply because I cannot believe that any man could be as stupid, greedy, foolish and evil as he is. The latest involving Gary Condit and Domminick Dunne is so absolutely amazing. I wonder how Monty Roberts lives with himself. – casey, burbank, ca


Could someone please, please, please PUT AN END TO MONTY AND HIS BULLSHIT! He makes me PUKE. – Kara Stillwell, WY


Money Roberts deserves —- a straight jacket, a blindfold, a gag (permanently!). – Sheila C.


Money, Money, Monty!! “it is all for non-profit” – I must have heard him say that at least twenty times and I bet he knows exactly because it’s the same speech every town. You Know I bet he draws a whopper of a paycheck. Recently, I went to see “Monty the Great” in Monroe Washington.

Now you see I have really nothing to gain or loose by telling everyone what I have to say but, this is how I saw it, so here goes, Monty isn’t that great I’ve been using the same technique for 20 years. Bahummbug, maybe I can call it something different and make a million. From the time I bought my two VIP tickets for $81 bucks each I felt shammed. I mean I never receive my ticket in the mail and had to take my bank statement to the box office just to get in the doors. Then as HE sat on his Thrown and signed Autographs, you could graciously look up at his weathered, puckered brow and thank him (for what I am still pondering). My biggest complaint is he is not being very gentle with his fans nor horses Mr. Monty is very impersonal and just plain rude. His wife is rude and his staff is rude. For the money I paid for VIP tickets I should have been VIP. Not even close!!!! This leads me to believe he has something up his sleeve some other motive possibly money.

I have one message to Monty “Quit while you’re ahead, Spare us all, Stay in Lompoc opps Bull-town home of the green-pea soup”. — Paulette Carson-Wilds


I’ve met Monty Roberts and I can honestly say that he is the biggest hype-ster around. This man does not speak for the horses. He only speaks for himself and the riches it brings to him. Real horse people wish the man would truly ride out into the sunset and never come back. – Cecily Krenshaw, Bozeman, Montana


Monty is just in it for the money. I say let’s give him some more – shove all the money that will fit up his ass then light it on fire. May Monty Rest In Hell. KayD, Santa Monica


I hope Monty Roberts is reading this right now so he knows how many people are laughing at him. I hope when he goes to sleep at night he hears the sound of our laughter ringing loud and true. I hope that when he gets up in the morning he remembers what he heard the night before and I really hope that one day he’ll be able to hear the sound of all the horses who are laughing at him too. – Jessie Ringvale


May heaven help all the people who follow this man’s poor advice or waste their precious money by buying his books or seeing his demos. It would be better to just burn the cash because otherwise by seeing his demos, you’re just contributing to his abuse of horses. Monty Roberts deserves to be whipped until his eyeballs from his head. – Crispin Gortman


I used to work for Monty Roberts at his farm. Everything you write is the truth. He is a no-good liar and would not know which end of the horse should be fed or cleaned. In the end, God will punish him but good. – JJ, Santa Maria, CA


Every last penny that Monty Roberts earns should be given to all the people and horses he has injured over the years. And we all know that all of that wouldn’t even be enough. – Kevn Mandell


Monty Roberts is a joke. The only people who fall for his “mystical, magical tour” around the horse world are people who love “mystical, magical” nonsense in their lives – that or else they’re looking to find god. What they ought to be looking for is a real horseman who knows what the hell he’s doing! My punishment for this lying fool is that he be placed in the corner of a very large field and made to wear a dunce cap for the rest of his life. That way, the horses who pass him by can stop to piss and crap on him too. – Carollee Sneed


How can you put a price on the admiration of a little girl? I can’t belive I looked up to that guy and it was all a fake! I think that hurts more then anything we could ever do to him. I think we should just take all his horses away and never let him go near any horses ever again, that would be about the equivelent. – Vanessa (15)


10 years hard labor and revoking his right to own animals, publish books regarding animals, or ability to hold training clinics. – Steve Lauer


Chase him around in a round pen until he collapses with exhaustion every day for the rest of his life!


A friend of mine gave me a copy of montys book a couple of years ago and i didn’t believe a word of it! he makes hisself out to be the God of horse breaking and horsemanship.I’ve been in with horses all my life which is 48 years. I feel sorry for those people who fall for his so-called ways.The only people who would fall for his crap are ones who don’t know better. I hope he gets everything he deserves just like he treated those horses! – Cathy Brown


Too bad the Queen of England couldn’t have him publically flogged – what a glorious public humiliation that would be and quite frankly, just what the man deserves. – Vin Shirley, New York


I say throw the bum into the middle of a cockfight and let them peck him to death. – Jose Martinez


Monty Roberts is revolting to watch. He serves no purpose in life and should never be seen from again. – Luke Screen, Mission Hills, CA


I just want to say primarily how absolutely delighted I am to find all this anti- Monty Roberts stuff. Personally, I never had any real proof against the man – although I hated the mustang chase across the – wherever it was – which I saw on BBC. I guess that was when I began to have serious doubts about his alleged capabilities. I have also heard of people in my area whose horses have been used for demonstration purposes during his UK tours and have not been surprised to learn that no long – or even short term benefit had been derived by the horse from the experience. My suggested punishment is (a) naturally, to forbid him ever to go near any horse (his own or anyone else’s) again and (b) how about running HIM for 36 (or was it 48) hours across rough and mountainous terrain? I’m sure he will just love that! Power to the elbow folks. Let’s bring the monster down! – Ruth Mazet, UK


He’s a hideous fraud who has just one trick card up his sleeve – those stupid demos that are totally useless. They don’t train a horse to do anything and the technique if you could call it that could be used from now until doom’s day and it wouldn’t help the horse to do anything practical. It’s a big waste of time just as much as he is. The only thing he’s got going for himself is that he’s become a big cult. If we’re lucky, maybe his followers will all commit suicide one day when their leader – the great moron monty – flies by in his horse-drawn spaceship. – Candy Mountine


Put the cretin in a very dark, deep hole and shovel lots of manure on him. – Cecelia Ramsickle, Texas


Monty’s sentence: to be given the emotion of shame. – CS of Alberta, Canada


Monty Roberts is such an incredible moron. He wouldn’t know which end of the horse were talking if he were smart enough to listen. Feed him to the rattlesnakes. – Chas Kripps, Montana


It’s quite simple; just strip him, tie a horse whip around his scrotum, attach to a horse, and make him watch his balls dance in the mud! — Becky C.


As far as I am concerned, Monty is guilty as charged on all accounts and should be sentenced to life with a “buck stopper” and “Dually” halter on (firmly in place). Monty is one of the biggest fraud artists I have seen in years, therefore there are two votes of guilty from our family. – Angela Klinck


A call for another boycott of a business that supports Monty Roberts: I have e-mailed corporate offices of State Line Tack/PetsMart because they are running an ad on the back page of the California Horsetrader (dated Aug. 3, 2000) listing the dates for “Monty Roberts World Tour 2000.” I’ve been a customer of both businesses for many years and I never again will purchase from either, not even a can of cat food! My friends and I also are boycotting Fort Dodge (makers of Quest gel) and any other business that carries Mr. Roberts’ merchandise or uses his image in advertising. Let’s hit ’em where it hurts – in the pocketbooks! – Bridgett L.


Was surfing and came on your site and just had to read all the articles about Monty. Nothing that was written surprised me a bit. I was raised around horses all my life and my son is a trainer, we both read part of the book he wrote and as my son put it ” what a bunch of bs, if you want to get hurt or get your horse hurt follow his advice.” By the way my son “gentle” breaks his horses and even broke a 4 year old mustang gelding for a friend and her grandkids rode him. So, I guess dear ole Monty might not be everything he thinks he is. It’s too bad that well-meaning people would ever take what he says as fact, how many horses and people have been hurt because of his “advice”. His sentence: He should never be allowed to own or train a horse again, all proceeds (past and future) from the sale of his book and other commercial ventures should be give to horse rescue programs. Prison time for fraud and community service, also a public apoligy should be made to all of the people he has lied about. Thelma Nelson


Throw him to the dungeons – Rhonda B.


I would sentence him to a life far away from live horses. He has done enough harm. I have seen horses die because of him with my own eyes. Maybe someone should check into the several insured horses who got out of their stalls at night and broke their legs and had to be euthanized. Who benefited? Monty Roberts. It’s time for the world to know what he really is. He must be stopped! – SBump


I was waiting anxiously to hear news of the lawsuit against Monty Roberts by that couple and I just read your report. I am aghast that such a thing could and did happen only because it is so revolting that our justice system is such a system of fraud and abuse. But, I must say it sounds as if Monty Roberts bought the judge (either through money, a vote or some other kind of quid pro quo), something he probably could very easily do given his stature in the community and overall celebrity. It is indeed a “travesty of justice”. My sympathy is for the couple, especially the woman who was nearly killed as a result of his fraud. I believe Monty Roberts deserves a public lashing and severe monetary penalties to be paid to the couple and censorship for all his other sins. – Margo P. – Santa Barbara, CA


Thank you for speaking the TRUTH about Monty Roberts. My husband and I have watched in horror for years as he created and perpetuated the endless sea of lies. While attending Cal Poly, S.L.O. in the ’80s, both of us had the “unique” experience of visiting Flag is Up Farms and “learning” from Roberts. We witnessed first hand (several times) his “join-up” approach and its greatly inconsistent results. Monty may claim he never “beats” horses, but that’s not what we saw. Thankfully the professors also saw through Monty and his “program” and stopped the trips to his farm.

Regarding the mustang “ShyBoy”, we have met one of the neighbors instrumental in the capture and handling of the mustang prior to the release and “join-up” farce. Monty’s gall in trying to pass this story off as true is disgusting. My husband worked with the Bureau of Land Management and trained mustangs while employed as an educator by a California prison training program for six years. (Horses were trained by instructors and inmates prior to adoptions in an effort to help the new owners cope with their wild horse.) While the “theory” from which Monty stole his methods is viable with most horses, my husband would NEVER try it with a mustang until the horse had been gentled and learned to tolerate human presence; to do so could get someone, even the horse, seriously injured, if not killed. Trying to convince people to “try this at home” is dangerous and unconscionable.

Keep speaking the truth. Our vote is that Monty Roberts is indeed, guilty as charged. His books should be recalled and he should be required to give his royalties to appropriate charitable organizations …. or individuals who have been hurt trying his methodology. – P & D, California


A simple, straight forward admission of guilt to those charges for which Roberts has been found guilty, at a properly conducted press conference covered by all reputable news medias would be sufficient for the general public. Penalties on a case-by-case basis would be determined by the judges and/or juries hearing the cases. – Marge & Harry


I have worked with horses for the past 12 years, I thought this man was a SHYSTER when I examined the Monty Roberts halters. These halters are very inhumane and are designed to cut the air intake off when pressure is applied. Anyone who buys these halters are either naive or just don’t care. But the halters are inhumane and should be taken off the market or at least have a warning because a beginner or novice might get one of these halters and could cause serious injury to themselves or to their horse – Rhonda B.


As far as the Monty Roberts thing goes, horse people on my end are tired of the whole mess and when I tried to get some to talk about him when he was out here for one of his seminars (I work for a local newspaper) they all declined, didn’t want to get involved. Said they have known all along what a loser he is and frankly were afraid of legal action and losing their ranches to Monty in court if they said anything. Looks like his scare tactics are working! – BL


Shoot him! – M.Morley


Monty Roberts is a pathetic sociopath, who suffers from delusions of grandeur, a persecution complex, and borderline personality disorder. His condition would require intensive psychotherapy and medication for years. Hopefully, these would help him become aware of reality and truth. If he should turn toward God and seek His forgiveness and then make restitution toward his victimized horses, their owners, and especially toward his scandalized family, these actions may help him become aware of his accountability for the damage he has inflicted upon these innocent victims. If the Queen of England should ever decide to step off of her pedestal, admit that she was duped by him, and then publicly discredit him in the newspapers, perhaps the whole world will then become aware of the evil that this sick man has perpetrated upon the horses, his family, his clients, and upon the whole world. Pray that this happens please. – Diana R.


I own a mustang stud. If I had started him in a round pen using the “join-up” method. I might as well have shot him in the head and saved both of us a great deal of pain. No matter how secure your round pen is, that horse is going to fight or flight. Get away at any cost or attack you. I wonder, how many horses have died, or had to be put down becasue of this method? Does Roberts really know how much pain and suffering he is causing the people who try to mimic his method? Does he really care? I say we should put him in a round pen and run him at full gallop for a couple of hours. If he stops or slows…smack him in the flank with a lead rope. -A. K.


I think he should be castrated so that he cannot reproduce any more lying, ungrateful, disrespectful (of his family) humans. Or maybe we should ask the horses what they think. Maybe he should be chased for days across the range, or maybe he should have that nasty halter put on his head.. – Lara DeL.


I have just stumbled across this web site wanting to find a quote or two from Monty Roberts…..And I see all this negative allegations about him….is this all true? My God in heaven if this all is indeed true…then Not only do I want a refund on my book,,,but I want my money to go towards horse rescue…. Thank you for listening. Teann…..


My suggestion ( as a breaker and trainer myself ) would be to not only demolish his career as a miracle worker and animal lover but to also pay great tribute to the honest and caring family members that this injustice has probably devestated and/or destroyed. And as a final suggestion i think that he should be restricted for the rest of his life by the ASPCA to ever own or train directly or indirectly an animal. The consequences would be huge fines that would break his bank. And then let him answer to GOD in the end. Tracy – MO.


I believe Mr. Roberts book should be recalled, and he should not be allowed to give any public demonstrations, anywhere in the U.S. – mnudo


A new line of toilet paper for this “all American horse boy” should be marketed. It will come in red, white & blue, (which, off course, Monty can only see in white & gray). It will have his face in the middle with his manure-eating grin on each sheet, and will be captioned “Groin Up”. This product will be available at no cost in the rest rooms, and portable latrines at all of his demos. This puts him in the toilet where he truly belongs.


I read the story where Monty Roberts blows his nose in his hands “without benefit of handkerchief” This alone is worth a punishment. But for ALL of his sins may he drown in a vat of copious snot.


If we pray real hard maybe he’ll just fade away into the dirt from whence he came. – Mark Villanova


Send Monty to Tony Soprano in New Jersey – he’ll know what to do to him.


Monty Roberts has the best little whore house in all of California. Monty’s the bejeweled madame and everyone who works with him or for him, his p.r. machine, attorneys and supporters are all well paid whores turning tricks for him. Now I know that Jesus forgave Mary Magdalen and maybe we should all forgive Monty for his whoring ways, but it’s the selling of his soul to the devil (denouncing his parents) that really makes it hard for me to turn the other cheek. – Tom Mahnn


Maybe we could all take up a collection and send him to a sanitarium for his health and while he’s there taking a snooze perhaps they would be so kind as to give him a lobotomy. – Shelly Krane, NYC


I said a prayer for his family today. How embarrassed of him they must be. Very, very sad, indeed.


I wish I were the judge who had the ability to actually do the sentencing in this case – I’ve read everything printed here and lots of other places on the net too – he doesn’t deserve to have his wealth and fame. Such a man as that should be ostracized from society. – Carpello in Portland


I just read Monty Roberts book and all the excerpts from Horse Whispers & Lies too – let me just say – anyone stupid enough to believe that Monty Roberts is some great man should have their head examined and be punished along with him. That lying piece of trash – Monty – should be fed to the hogs – if they’ll even have him. What garbage he is! – Sandor Chappell, D.C.


Even if I were a starving cannibal, I wouldn’t have Monty Roberts for dinner. May I suggest that he simply be boiled in oil until there is nothing left of him. JC


I think that anyone abusing helpless animals should be put to death. He would not like it if someone abused him. Also, he lied to everyone. He better be glad that he has not touched one of my animals! – Onyx


I wonder how this man Roberts sleeps at night. Does he have any conscience at all? I’ve read so much b.s. about him and heard so many stories now that I’m ready to puke every time I see or hear his name. Maybe one day he’ll just blow up from all the b.s. that’s stuck in his brain. How does his wife live with him – maybe she likes the b.s. I guess she would since she profits from it too.


Monty Roberts is a fake. He even faked the Shyboy capture just so that everyone would think he was some great trainer with magic powers. He’s just a so-so horse guy with an inferiority complex so big he has to lie constantly to make everyone think he’s better than he really is. Shoot the sob. – Tom T, Salem, OR


When God gets finished with him we can all rest easy. – Sheila Morestsky


Monty Roberts roasting on an open fire. Jack Frost ripping at his nose!


I hope that Monty Roberts got nothing more than a buck and a big kick in the ass from Horse & Rider magazine as payment in the lawsuit. They told the TRUTH – Something Monty should try doing once in a while! – KM, Portland


I know the two Roberts’ personally, Monty and his son Marty, and both are scum. Monty has lived on lies all his life; Marty is simply his errand boy with about as much common sense as any low-grade moron. But they make a great pair. MP, Salinas


If he’s guilty,horse whip the #$!****


Monty will rot in hell someday for what he’s done to his parents and all the stupid lies he’s told. Of that I am sure! – Sue


Monty Roberts really is a great man: great lies, great money and a great following of ignorant people who want nothing more than to follow a cult figure. Maybe they’ll all end up like the Guyana Jones gang. Kool-Aid anyone? – Jase C. Varnon, FL


To the many people who believe that Monty Roberts is a good guy, I can only remind them that Hitler was a vegetarian who loved animals and created beautiful works of art. I am, in no way, saying that Monty Roberts is as evil as Hitler, but only that evil exists in all men. I have known Mr. Roberts personally and I can honestly say that he is evil. He would just as easily beat a horse into submission (as he has done many times before and witnesses abound) as he would treat him gently in his phony little smoke and mirrors show. He has lied repeatedly to get where he is today. He has treated people like dirt to get where he is today. He has cheated and stolen to get where he is today. The public does not know this nor does the public wish to know this, just like they did not wish to know that the President of the United States is both n adulturer and a liar. The public would rather hide their heads in the sand and go on believing that Monty Roberts is a hero to the horse. But, believe me, there are many people who do know the truth and they know exactly the type of man that Monty Roberts is and I say to you now that Monty Roberts is a sniveling, whiney little man who is getting the last laugh because we have a nation of ostriches! – DB, Santa Ynez, California


Do any of you people really think that the almighty Roberts even sees this stuff – he’s being ably protected by his equally lying, cheating lawyer son, Marty – shoot them both and be done with them. – KLK, Paso Robles


Please God, make Monty Roberts die a slow death just like he’s been making all his victims die for the rest of their lives too! – Sally in Seattle


I pray for Monty Roberts everyday because I know that somewhere in that heart of his, he hears the cries of his beloved parents and all the people whom he has hurt over the years. I pray that Monty will answer those cries with the truth.


You know what? I’m thinking that the only job Monty Roberts is good for is the clown at the rodeo. May he have many close encounters with a bull. – Kirk Henson, Pa


Monty may have alerted people to the plight of the horse – although, frankly, I think many people were already aware of it and I don’t see any new laws being made to protect the horse on account of monty – so my feeling is that he should just whither away until people discover the new God they want to put on a pedestal.


The only way to stop people like Monty Roberts is to hit them in their pocketbooks because they surely have no conscience. – Marissa Waltin, Ashland, Oregon


I am Krystal Parnell. I am only 15 years old. I have been working with horses for a whille and some of the things that he says to do with the horses really does work. Though I have never trained a wild mustage as he claims the methods he uses do work. I am not saying he is all right I do not know about his true past only this family and he know really what happened. I think that sence he was the one who was responsable for the training of this womans horse that he should pay part if not all of the money for the injury of this woman.


Call Tallow Works for a “live” pick-up of Monty Roberts and let them process him the way deceased horses are processed. OR- Feed him bull shit (the real stuff) like he has been feeding the American, British and European people for so many years. – Julie Wood


Monty Roberts is obviously a very sick fellow. I read one of the lawsuits against him. Such pervasive lying fraud and abuse are the signs of a very troubled mind. It’s obvious that he feels many shortcomings in his own life and now must manipulate the world and press into believing that he is better than he actually is. It is very sad, but many people do such things. Ordinarily, such people are called dictators – not just in the political sense but in the social sense as well – or bullies. Such a sad life as his deserves nothing less than pity. I pray he will wake up one day and make amends before he is judged by an entity more powerful than man. Gothard Whittle, Boston, MA


I think he’s guilty as hell and should be put in a pen with a wild mustang to be trampled, just so he knows what it is like!!!! — Erin Russell


Poetic Justice would be for him to die and be reincarnated as a horse and all the mean things he’s done to them will done to him. “Do unto others as you would have done unto you.” — LKJ Florida


He should have to return all of the money to everyone that he has RIPPED OFF in his book sales and stadium demo “circus act”. He should also be banned from ever touching a horse again….the horse deserves to be totally left alone by this man. – Amy Dunkelman


“His royal Montyness belongs with the dissipating British monarchy. Strip him of his wealth, & give it to the recent quake & flood victims. He should be shipped to England on a cattle boat & given the specific task of keeping the Queen’s current favorite mount impeccably clean, by bathing, grooming daily, & with a bucket, catching all of its hourly offerings of manure, & disposing of it in the Royal manure pile. He will be on duty 24 hours a day, & will not be allowed to train, since his methods are detrimental. His only compensation will be a yearly two week vacation at a deserted English castle in the dead of winter, where he will pass his time listing all of the lies he has told through the years in a royal notebook, for the Queen to read, so she may reflect on more of her past poor choices”. Hopalong, Watsonville, ca.


Monty Roberts should have the word LIAR carved into his forehead. Shelley Klackstein, Monterey


It would be really educational for the public to be able to witness a “real” horseman from the Central Coast area of California work with a really wild horse. There are many in the area or from the area that could to a good and honest job that are students of Tom or Bill Dorrance. You could even televise films made forty of fifty years ago with Bill Linfoot. Show real horsemen like Ray Hunt, Buck Brannaman, Roy Forzani, Ray Berta, etc. that have studied here and know what they are doing. Then show what Monty does. There is no way in the world Monty would ever face a true and gifted horseman. They are real! Mr. Monty Roberst is a fake, a fraud, a liar, an no horseman at all. He is a capitalist, which is fine except when combined with lying and fraud. He is not now, nor will he ever come close to being a true horseman. – J.Kaufmann, Salinas


Put him in a rowboat and send it out into the Arctic Ocean in the middle of February. – Maury Weinstein, Chicago, IL


How about having him drawn and quartered like they did in the old days? – Karen Kirkman, Huntington, NY


Turn him into a human pinata – hang him from a tree limb and beat him with sticks to knock out all his guts. – Robert Perez, Carpinteria, CA


It’s simple, just castrate him and then make him wear his dried, shriveled balls like a necklace. – MichelleK


Nail horseshoes to his feet and make him give kids ponyrides at all the fairs across the country. Switchback, Kansas


Put his head in a vise and have someone whisper to him night and day until he slowly goes insane and then lock him away. Carter H., Vermont


Take him to dinner over at Hannibal Lechter’s house. – Sual


Monty Roberts should be sent to Africa where he can contract the Ebola Virus. – Sage Shine


He should be surgically altered to be made incontinent and with no control over his bowels. Martha Vinton


I would make Monty write a new book called “Monty: the little engine that couldn’t”…it would be about how Monty could never be as good as his father, as loving as his mother, as honest as his brother, uncle, aunt and cousin. And when that one becomes a bestseller too, all the profits should be donated to equine charities to stop their slaughter and export for food. – Mirabelle


Send him out into the wilderness all alone and let him whisper to a horde of hungry mountain lions and wolves. KathyB


How about putting him in a boxcar like they do with cattle and shipping him across the country back and forth for the rest of life without cleaning out the car. Monty could rot in his own filth and degradation. – Chip Castle


Monty Roberts deserves the very best punishment that money can buy because that’s just the kind of guy he is. If I had lots of money, I would send Monty to France to be guillotined; or to Iran to have his hands cut off; or to Singapore where he could be publically lashed; I’d give him lots of drugs and then send him to Turkey for a nice vacation where he would be jailed in squalid conditions for drug running; and lastly, I’d send him to Elba to keep Napoleon company. — Edward Crocker, Brighton, England


Tie him to the back end of an elephant and let him get all his liquid and solid nourishment from there. – Mikey Harrison, Pine Ridge


Monty Roberts should have a pitchfork shoved up his you know what and be made to rotate. – Richard K.


Lock him in a room with every person he’s ever hurt or lied to. It’d probably have to be an auditorium, but so what, I’d make him pay for that too. — Sheree Cook


Force him to go on every TV news show or talk show and denounce his own book as lies, then make him personally pay back every person who ever bought his book, bought or rented his videos or paid to see his demonstrations. — Mark Belisk, Pennsylavania


Monty should be banished to a tiny little island amid shark infested waters with not one living thing to keep him company – no birds, no people, no other animals. His duty for the rest of his life on this planet should be to care for the graves of his departed parents that have been moved there. – JayB., Los Angeles


His name shall not be allowed to be in print or in media for rest of life. This would be horrible for his ego. The huge new sign on his new building that proclaims MONTY ROBERTS PLAZA would have to be taken down. – Peggy G.


All the profits from his books,seminars,etc. should be given to charities for horses (such as the Exceller fund). Also, we should put baling wire under HIS chin, make him publicly beg for mercy, and take away his horse farm (and give it to his brother and cousin). Everything cruel he ever did to a horse should be done to him. He is evil. — GAK


Monty should be required to go on public TV and admit that he did not tell the truth in regard to his father. If he wants to explain why he started the pyramid of lies, he should be allowed to do so: a boyhood grudge against his father, as Monty felt that he could never be as universally liked and valued – or whatever! He should be allowed to continue his training demonstrations, as he has the right to do so. I don’t think for a moment that Monty would ever be able to be honest about all this. He’s in it too deep and is living it to the hilt, but I believe it would be the best he could do for his family and the memory of his parents. It would be great. –Caroline T.


I’d light up his farm and all his money right before his eyes (after I removed all the animals, of course) – Cathy T.


I know a horse that would probably be very happy to trample him nearly to death and cripple him for life. GeeEmm, Los Angeles


A nice cattle and horse stampede over his body would be fine justice to this greedy SOB – Caleb


No debate about it – make him become a monk – then he would have to give up all manner of wealth, fame and fortune and never utter a word for the rest of his life. – Robert Scizwick


Tie him to a rodeo bronc for 12 hours straight so he’ll have the manure knocked out of him and when he’s done with that, let a couple of bulls do a dance on him – RazarRed, Sonoma, California


Monty sounds like a real martyr type from everything I’ve seen of him and read about him. My suggestion is that he have baling wire tied around his head and that he be nailed to the cross. That way all of his followers can worship him for all eternity. Cash Winslow


Destroy his ego by stripping him and putting him in a round pen naked. Then let a pigmy ride on his back and play horsey for hours on end while the whole thing is videotaped and distributed to all of Monty’s fans. — Gil Jameson, Ontario, Canada


Monty should be sent to prison where he could be beaten with chains daily. – Frank Kellon, Paso Robles


The Queen of England should strip Monty of his imagined crown and title and make him muck out the royal stables …for life. Jennifer M., Sussex, England


Monty Roberts is a demented soul who belongs in an insane asylum. His ego problems have been very damaging to many people and thus he is not to be trusted. – DocB, Portland,OR


Make Monty buy every Horse Whispers and Lies book ever published and make him read the same book over and over again until he goes blind. – Joseph Kendell, Ohio


I’d like to see Monty’s brother Larry beat him to a pulp in a boxing ring in Las Vegas before millions of people and then have Monty admit to the world what a filthy liar he (Monty) has been all this time. – Mitch Peller, Seattle, WA


Monty’s a worm. Feed him to the fishes. Jake Carlyle, Wymong


Take away all his money and fame. Then make him muck out every horse stall from New York to California and then back again. — LKenny, Camarillo, CA


Let’s see, he broke a horse’s leg, right? He caused lots of cuts, abscesses and other horrible things to a horse, right? Let’s start there on him and after a thorough investigation into all the other things he’s done to animals, we could do those too, one by one and just like he denied medical care to that other horse – that’s just what he would do with him. Maybe that’d teach him – Suebee,, Santa Monica, CA


Strip him naked and make him run through the streets while everyone stones him –Carlo Gonzales


A guy I know is going after him. Maybe he’ll get him sooner than later. – DB, Alaska