John Dolan
Protestors against Monty Roberts’ fraud and lying are now targeting his attendance at this year’s Equitana USA fest scheduled for June in Kentucky.
Monty Roberts is going to make a special appearance “in response to numerous visitor requests” according to Equitana’s officials and perform his ludicrous 30-minute join-up farce as well as using his “equus” language of horses to “alter the behavior of problem horses”. Proven fact: Monty and his representatives already admitted that his technique is useless when pressed in a court of law during a lawsuit against him for fraud and breach of contract. Proven fact: the so-called “silent language of equus, as Monty likes to call it, is nowhere near silent. Monty Roberts doesn’t know horse language anymore than he knows the truth about events in his own life.
Monty Roberts has angered so many people in the horse community, particularly the ones who know him personally that they are taking steps to tell Equitana USA what they think of its choice for a special speaker. Monty Roberts is the last person inthe world who should have been considered