Here’s a quick look at the destructive tactics in which agrochemical giant Monsanto engages to the detriment of all human kind and wildlife and the environment in general:
- Leading the world into a new age of potentially hazardous genetic modification of seeds.
- Patenting not only their own GMO seeds, but also a huge number of crop seeds, patenting life forms for the first time — without a vote of the people or Congress.
- Not allowing farmers to save their seeds to replant the next year — a practice which has been done for generations. Instead, they aggressively seek out and sue farmers they suspect of doing so.
- Suing farmers who have not been able to prevent the inevitable drift of Monsanto’s GE pollen or seed onto their land for patent infringement.
- Producing two of the world’s most toxic substances ever known — polychlorinated biphenyls, known as PCBs, and dioxin (Agent Orange).