Davis Recall Petition Circulates

Recall Petition Circulates Against Gov. Gray Davis

Susan Harris

Governor Gray Davis has so infuriated some Californians with his persistent pro-illegal-immigrantion stance that a recall petition is now circulating to get him thrown out of office.

The official website for this action is: http://www.recalldavis.com – you can get a petition mailed to you and read pertinent articles or download the petition onto your browser.

Resolution of The California Republican Assembly
RESOLUTION Number 9911.01

Resolution in Support of the Recall of Governor Gray Davis Whereas: Governor Gray Davis pledged in his campaign for governor that he would “uphold the will of the people” concerning ballot propositions approved by California voters; and,

Whereas: Proposition 187, a ballot initiative that disallows taxpayer-funded benefits for illegal aliens, was approved in 1994 by over 60% of California voters; and,

Whereas: Gray Davis intentionally thwarted the will of California voters by nullifying nearly all the sections of Proposition 187 through a phony and unconstitutional “mediation process” in which 187’s proponents were not even included; and,

Whereas: Gray Davis has abused the power of his office by interfering with the legitimate judicial process that our state’s constitution guarantees; and,

Whereas: Gray Davis’ unconstitutional actions have now severely damaged the integrity of the California initiative process; now, therefore be it,

Resolved: That the California Republican Assembly, gathered in Ontario on November 14, 1999, strongly encourages the circulation of petitions recalling Gray Davis from the office of Governor of the State of California.

(Submitted by Stefan “Stu” Stitch at CRP and co-submitted at CRA. The motion passed overwhelmingly.)

There is one other website that deals with immigration issues in general and the repercussions upon Americans. That site is located at http://www.americanpatrol.com.

These links are provided for your information only and Citizens for Justice doesn’t necessairly support everything that is on these sites.