Honest & Fair Trials
Our Media Partners and Helping Homeless Families
We not only help the downtrodden who can't afford to fight the all-powerful legal system, we also generate funds to help charities that are geared to create the resources needed to help homeless families with children.
We do this by selling our stories and research regarding individuals and companies that have committed crimes or other inequities against the people of this country and the world.
Our partners extend through all forms of media including print newspapers and magazines, television, Internet social media and blog posts that include many consumer scam sites and of course YouTube and other video streaming channels and outlets.
Since starting in 1998, and because we are all volunteers we have helped with donations over $2,680,000.
Help us with your stories, so we may continue to help others fight a system stacked against “the little guy”
Stack the Legal Odds in Your Favor
Understand America’s Corrupt Judicial System—Protect Yourself Now and Boost Chances of Winning Cases Later.