Anti Farmers Insurance Campaign

Rick Berman
Investigative Reporter

Citizens for Justice has been deluged with hundreds of emails from people outraged by Farmers Insurance Company’s support for a man who beat up a senior citizen as described previously on this site.

The majority of the emails are from Los Angeles but hail from northern California as well and as far away as New York City. The incident occurred in Los Angeles. Many have stated they are looking for other insurance companies to represent their interests and some have already made plans to cancel their policies with Farmers.

Issues about Senior abuse have becoming increasingly important in recent times and some of the emailers said they are seniors themselves and the very thought that Farmers would, by its action or inaction in this case, condone such abuse, deserves to be punished.

Farmers Insurance representatives have totally denied knowledge of the case. Copied onto this website is a letter from Farmers’ attorney that will confirm they are lying about this. CLICK HERE to see letter.

To register a complaint: Please contact your local Farmers Insurance agent or Neil H. Brown of Early, Maslah, Price & Baukol located at 700 South Flower St. – Suite 2800, Los Angeles, CA 90017 – telephone (213) 615-2564; fax (213) 615-2698. Or you may wish to express your disgust at Martin Fenstein or Jeff Beyer at (323) 932-3200.